We had our first meeting this evening and it was awesome meeting feminists who have their unique interpretations of what feminism is! Introductions aside, we began the club meeting with a traditional icebreaker, drawing or writing what the F word (no, the OTHER f word - FEMINISM), meant to us. Many drawings of female empowerment commenced. Later, we discussed what NOW had done the previous year, including activism with Planned Parenthood, working to promote Transparency and Gender Equality on campus, Relay for Life, and the Breast Cancer Walk. Finally, as a group we brainstormed the themes we'd like to work on for this year as well as events we have coming up.
For those who couldn't attend, and for those who don't remember, here is a summary of the important things discussed as well as DATES to remember! The following lists can be added onto/modified as the year goes on -- nothing is set in stone, but this is a working outline of the issues we'd like to focus on.
NOW Themes for 2009:
- Health Care Reform
- International Reform
- Equal Rights Amendment
- Women's Mental and Sexual Health
- Sexual Exploitation/Trafficking
- Women in Prison
- Abusive Relationships
- Youth Outreach
- Reproductive Rights
- Sexual Harassment
Upcoming NOW Events and Activities:
- October 14th, 7 pm Kimmel 909 - Icarus Workshop with Sabrina Chapadjiev, author of Live Through This: On Creativity and Self-Destruction, will discuss how women can avoid self-destructive behaviors by channelling their frustrations into creative outlets.
- October 18th - Breast Cancer Walk - Join us for a walk that celebrate the women who face this tremendous obstacle, as well as the people in your life who have had cancer. Click here to sign up for the Breast Cancer Walk -- all you have to do is search for team NOW-NYU in capitals, and you should see our team next to the name of our Vice President, Sarah Betz. Instructions on how to join the Breast Cancer Walk have also been e-mailed through listserv. Please join the NOW-NYU listserv if you have not yet.
- Love Your Body Day - There will be a Love Your Body Day in October in which we will celebrate our bodies through a healthy productive activity such as Yoga, Self-Defense Lessons, etc. Ideas are welcome and more information is to be announced.
- Monthly Community Service with GEMS - We will be doing once-a-month volunteering for Girls Education Mentoring Services, also known as GEMS, an organization which helps young women forced into domestic trafficking to find a safe haven where they can rehabilitate their lives. We have already discussed volunteering with GEMS to help these girls to study for their GED, tutoring them in basic math and science skills. This volunteering will be DONE AS A GROUP, and the training will be held on October 3rd, Saturday 1 PM, location TBA.
- Girls Are Not For Sale Campaign - We will also be participating in this campaign which protests sexual trafficking, by showing a screening of "Very Young Girls." This will be made avaliable to other clubs and organizations on campus and we will be asking for dollar donations to fundraise for this campaign.
- 40 Days of Life Campaign - A pro-life campaign held from September 23rd-November 1st, which can be intimidating to women seeking abortions, and challenges the idea of "choice" in a woman's reproductive decision. For more information on how to participate and/or promote a counter-stance to this movement, e-mail or talk to Julie Kilger, president of NOW, at jpk297@nyu.edu.
- On a side-note, Planned Parenthood is also challenging this campaign, calling it the "40 Days of Harassment" movement and are asking for volunteering escorts to help women seeking abortions into their health without intervention. If interested, click here.
- On another fun side-note, we might be having a day dedicated exclusively to FEMINIST music -- so get your iPod playlists ready...discussion of this event will commence next week :)
Thanks again to everyone who attended the first meeting and contributed some fantastic ideas - you guys are awesome. If you couldn't attend this meeting, NO WORRIES. The next one will be held NEXT WEDNESDAY, room 909 Kimmel, at 7 PM. This is our permanent location & time unless otherwise communicated. Bring your friends -- and if you have any guy friends, let them know there's a place they can meet some really amazing ladies...without much male competition! :)
See you all NEXT WEEK.
The Planned Parenthood link doesn't work, and I tried emailing Julie but eventually found it on my own:
Saturday, Sept. 26th
Dr. Emily's Clinic
560 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NYC
6 train to 149th St.
Thanks Kathryn!
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