Monday, February 1, 2010

First NOW meeting of the semester RECAP

Hey ladies,

We had our first NOW meeting of the Spring Semester last Wednesday. Here are the events/activites we've brainstormed for the rest of the semester:

  • RELAY FOR LIFE - April 24th, 2010 - Join NOW and the American Cancer Society for a walk that promotes awareness and campaigning against one of the leading causes of death in America.
  • WOMEN'S HERSTORY MONTH is coming up and NOW-NYU is planning to have a sex-toy workshop in honor of it! More info coming up.
  • VAGINA MONOLOGUES might be hosting their show during March instead of February. More info on whether or not NOW can participate in the show TBA.
  • YOUNG FEMINIST LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE - MARCH 20-22nd in WASHINGTON D.C. Some amazing workshops for our feminist leaders - men and women both welcome! The deadline is Feb 1st before the price ($15 not including hotel expenses) raises, so hurry and sign up today!
  • TAKE BACK THE NIGHT in April (full date TBA) - NOW has decided to do the speech part of this celebration of sexual abuse survivors INDOORS, followed with a MARCH (perhaps by candlelight) OUTDOORS. This prevents any obstacles we may face with obtaining sound permits. NOW is also seeking any people who wish (or can reccommend) a keynote speaker to talk about sexual abuse, as well as people who are survivors of it. If interested, please e-mail the officers to either participate or recommend someone who would be a good keynote speaker. We will be reaching out to many other clubs on campus to make this an inclusive event! SO, DON'T FORGET TO PROMOTE THIS TO THE OTHER CLUBS YOU'RE IN!
  • MARCH IS WOMEN'S SAFETY MONTH - Self-defense lessons anyone? NOW may be having them in honor of protecting women's safety. More info TBA.
  • SEXUAL EDUCATION CAMPAIGN - NOW has pledged to dedicate some of its time to making some slamming flyers and posters about contraceptives and other reproductive issues regarding women. We will also raise awareness of rape and our definition of rape through such flyers.
  • FEMALE BODYBUILDING - a special interest topic for this semester. Will definitely plan some fun things regarding this! Main question: is female bodybuilding an empowering act for women or another form of objectification disguised as empowerment?

See you all next week and bring some friends!


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