Sunday, November 9, 2008

Equal Pay for Equal Work -and- Get out of Bank of America!

Hello hello hello!

We are having an incredibly exciting event this Wednesday!!!!! Everyone should come! Feel free to bring friends, hang out fliers, join the rally, or just let people know!

Equal Pay for Equal Work
Has NYU Broken the Glass Ceiling?

Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Kimmel, 60 Washington Square Park South

NOW-NYU and its supporters, Take Back NYU!, Campus Anti-War Network, Students for a Democratic Society, Earth Matters and Students Creating Radical Change are demanding budget disclosure in the interest of ensuring gender pay equity! We will be marching around Washington Square Park in the hopes that the administration will hear our demands.

We are making signs and discussing any last minute details this coming Tuesday; date and time of the Tuesday sign-making meeting to follow.

Last meeting we also had a guest come and speak to us about banking: Ellie from Students Creating Radical Change stopped by to fill everyone in on a movement to get your OUT of Bank of America and IN to a socially responsible bank account. On November 12 from 11:30 until 2:00 you can open up an account with the Lower East Credit Union in the Kimmel Lobby. All you need is your NYU ID, and your regular ID (drivers license, etc.). We were given some information as to why you should switch over: The Inner City Press-Fair Finance Watch accused Bank of America and Citigroup of charging higher mortgage loan rates for African American and Hispanic borrowers than white borrowers. The ICP reports that blacks were over two times more likely to receive rate spread home purchase loans than whites, and Hispanics were 2.5 times more likely than whites to pay higher rates with all types of Bank of America loans.From 1989 to May 2006, Bank of America spent a total of $14,065,791 on political campaign contributions. In the 2006 election cycle alone, $2.07 million was given by Bank of America employees to political campaigns. Of that amount, $918,631, or 44 percent went to Democratic candidates and $1.14 million or 55 percent to Republican candidates.Bank of America has been sued by the New York State Attorney General for multiple instances of improper mutual fund trading, including the most costly trading scandal to date, which the company settled for $675 million.Bank of America is one of the largest investors in coal and coal fired power, which is responsible for nearly a third of the nation's CO2 emissions, and also funds surface coal mining.

We ate deliciously amazing vegan cupcakes (THANK YOU JULIE OH MY LORD THEY WERE DELICIOUS), and had some Mexican food. I forget the name of the place but I'll ask Julie...because it was really good.

I will be adding fliers to the website for everyon to print and hand out in classes, to professors, to send out, to tell people about, etc. Please get these out! Publicity is an important part of making any event come to life.


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